History Based Films


1. HMS PANDORA – In Pursuit of the Bounty

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The incredible story of the Royal Navy frigate, PANDORA, sent to the Pacific in 1790 to capture Fletcher Christian and his band of BOUNTY mutineers and bring them home to England to face justice. The discovery of the largely intact wreck on the outer Barrier Reef and its recovery by the Queensland Museum is presented and narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

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2. HMS PANDORA – In The Wake of the Bounty

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After discovering the wreck of the vessel that went down with fourteen BOUNTY mutineers chained in a box on the aft deck, scientists from the Queensland Museum reconstruct the story of the sinking of the PANDORA in 1791. The survivors made an incredible journey to safety, some of them for the second time in as many years, as they took to small boats and returned to England where the surviving mutineers were tried. Presented and narrated by the Bush Tucker Man, Les Hiddins.

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In Search of Joshua Slocum

Boat Wide

The story of the life and historic voyage of Captain Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail single-handed around the world. His epic journey, described in his book, “Sailing Alone Around the World” published over 100 years ago, still inspires hundreds of sailors, boat builders and writers. The film follows a modern day attempt to recreate Slocum’s journey. Produced by Phillip Emanuel and directed by David Flatman.

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